The construction of casa BOANERGES, represented in 8 sets of images (+/- 200 total) is done with a minimum of equipment. The most expensive equipment used to build Casa Boanerges is the Dewalt Laser Level, a do-it-yourself quality red concrete mixer, an electric crane (max 500kg), 2 wheelbarrows, 2 improvised wooden stairs made from waste wood, an angle grinder, a drill and a fake Bosch circular saw. These appliances received their electricity through reused power lines pulled from the walls of the old house. Not to mention "Madre Anna," a giant hammer. And many tools are made of rebar. I do not have the impression that more was needed and I am a little ashamed of my wonderful tool set.

Be aware, setS nr 04-10, the demolition, and construction of the concrete columns, floors, brickwork, and plastering, all with patience and excellent quality is done by just 4 men: Dionisio, Erlin, Americo, and son Julian in 8 months of steady work.

Set 04 (24 images): Constructing the primary columns with their i.8m deep pedestals (fOOt) and demolishing/removing the old house.

Set 05 (28 images): constructing the columns, beams and floors. theSE will be the core concrete structure of the building

Set 07 (25 images): finishing the ground floor: the plumbing, electric tubes, raising the walls and plastering

set 08 (20 IMAGES): finishing the second floor, the main living area.

Set 09 (19 images): finishing the 3th floor + mezzanine (4th floor)

Set 10 (13 images): working on the facade. floors and tiles

Set 11 (18 images): constructing and mounting of the fencing on the facade, roofs , windows and stairs. This is a major effort.

Set 12 (12 images): working with colors, light and sun. (THE SET WILL BE UPDATED WHEN THE BUILDING GETS A ROOF, STAIRS AND WINDOWS

Set 13 (21 images): A FUTURE GREEN CITY PARADISE, a work FOR the long haul


Set 14 (10 images): restoring “la Casita” which is incorporated in the building plans and license but has to wait until the wallet can bear her.