nabargandup bipi (set 4) - rio nergala 2010/2011
Maidely navigating the ulu to the rio Nergala
First the shore will be searched for valuable items
Others are here too, working on their slmall agricultural plots
This is what modern life makes the Kuna live with (and have to)
Everything valuable is examend. If the coconut is okay, its valu is .25USD
This doll is declared lost
How will he grow up ?
The entrance of the river Nergala
Busy traffic each day. This is their only source of not salt water. Outboards are not allowed
The jungle tries to conquer the river.
Moored at the families plot of land
Each coconut tree has an owner. Taking a coconut as a stranger is not done.
A fresh coconut is served to me, a sign of acceptance
We take a fresh coconut drink, without using a straw
Eating a green, hard and bitter mango, a treat. Me is one offered too. I had to eat it
This is our place to wash clothes and take water
Fun with a stanger
An image of my back. My dinghy is cleaned too, I am not allowed to use the engine
Selfy with remoe control (more or less)
Ready to return to Bipi with fresh water
High up in the mango tree to get green bitter mangos, considered a treat on the island
Maidely Ares working the ulu
It is a long day
Maidely is working but the others have too. Permanently bailing the ulu is needed
Back to the entrance of Rio Nergala
And rowing back to the island, the working day is almost done