nabargandup bipi (set 5) - selva 2010/2011
At sunrise going up Rio Negala. Where does this stream lead to?
sunrise in the jungle
From here on two hours walk to the plot of the family of the baker.
The pole was available near the boat. It will be used to carry the crop to the Ulu
4 liters of sugar water with one sachet of flavor, our meal for the day for 4 people !! Rico they say.
A piece of wilderniss is cleared for growing Yucca
A small natural pineapple, very good taste
deliceous fresh taste
wild banana tree
Yucca, showbn by the uncle of the boys. He is almost blind and was happy with my old glasses
We are not alone. The guy disappears rapidly
Making a string to bind the crop to the stick
This are very strong fibres. The houses on the Island are tied together with them
Walking two hours back to the Ulu
This is a central meeting place. One can sleep here over night. Not many do it, to many gohsts
I pace the possibility to carry a load to the boat.
25-30 kg on the shoulder
Palm leaves for the hut used at the initiation rite for the young girls. This is an obligation for the community
The Ulu is waiting
The baker did bake before we left at 5 o'clock. He will go fishing when we return at 2PM
Freshly washed clothes. Here is fresh water, on the Island very little. It has to be carried with jerry cans from this river
Navigating the current. The baker is doing it himself.
We reach the mouth of the river.
Nabargandup Bipi, with Boanerges. All the inhabitad Islands own a river. Without river no fresh water.