nabargandup bipi (set 6) eventos 2010/2011
There live 700 people on this little island Nabandup Bipi
Palm-ornaments for the initiation rite of young girls
In this hut the young girls will stay some days before the are initiated
The woman are preparing food for the evening to come
visitor from another island
She is prepared and likes to be photgraphed
Yoidi with her kid
Yoidi, was stunned when she did see herself on this photo. The rest of the island too
The music sailas will be singing on the rhythm of music
Only at Chicha parties alcohol is permitted. But the congreso can not enforce this. So the backer sells beer
The youth in pink shirt is trained to become saila
Gringo TV is here too
The old saila and Cebaldo (blue shirt) are communicating with the gods. The wife interferes.
By making music and smoking hallucinating tabacco the sailas are communicating with the gods
The city kuna-girl wears a sailas hat. That is not done. Old values deteriorate due to the Panama City Kuna's
The women go together to the sea to pee, the local transvestite joins
Dancing for hours
Each puppet has a soul and protects its owner. These are rarely shown to strangers
Half of the house of Remisky is removed in one day, while inhabited by bad spirits
Ornaments made for a ceremony to fend of bad spirits. The shaman forbid me to set foot on the island those days
Preparing for the ceremony of expelling bad spirits
After the ceremony, I did not see any of the ornaments. I expect they were burned