at night at landsend. we leve the channel and are on the atlantic ocean. several halyards and reefing lines break. we return to england
saterday july 5th. nico is badly seasick and stays so until the azores
wednesday july 9th. we sail into the azoren high and becalm. sao miguel in sight. at night I decide to use the outboard. 4 hours later we are in the harbour
I visited the botanical parc in 1969 when I travelled by ship to surinam for my militairy service
milk hauler in the traditional way
saturday july 12th. I recognize this mirador from 1969. it shows lago azul and lago verde
many jumping dolphins
through the clouds the summit of pico can be seen. but no wind to get there
at night is visible that no one lives at the level of cloud. not one light can be seen at that level
wednesday july 16th
Capelinhos, new land erupted oct 1958. in 2009 I was here again, with lea on synergy (55ft freres)
friday july 18th. leaving for terceira
saturday july 19th. trijnie and I will sail back. rob not due to having heavy diariah and nico not while being serious seasick
this is the last event until england, fishing together. no whales, turttles or dolphins
july 26th. we are near the entrance of the channel
campagn, celebrating our succesful voyage. later inge and ton de vries of close to perfection show us a picture they made of us arriving in dartmouth
thurday jul 31th 22.00 arrive before IJmuiden. we did sail 3885 Nm in 22 days. 190nm/day minimum 80nm, max 240nm/day
at RMY, drying sails and being satisfied