Nabargandup Bipi, 700 heads living on 2 acres
Never before a foreigner was this long on the island
childeren welcome me, the adults hide away
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she will be my gardian angel
will you take a picture of my grandson? please
making molas is what the elderly woman do all day
would you like to have a lunch with us?
10 days before he was almost dead from a disease
not everyone is happy meeting a white man
see what I got
this city kuna girl wears a shailas hat, not done
the retired shamaan, replaced by the doctor
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learning to fish
the music sailas
sisters, a bit drunk but happy
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children, everywhere children
she came along Boanerges for a picture
instead of the usual fish, meat this time for dinner
its difficult to be the youngest
coming late home from the woods
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