christmas day, leaving for St.Pierre
the anchor is there !!
 martinique - caribbean - france
on our way to diamond rock
nelson said this is a warship and kept it for 18 month from the
 martinique - caribbean - france
 martinique - caribbean - france
fishing in the dutch way. Fish don't know
dutch way to kill a pineapple
here, seing my own boat is quite an experience
 martinique - caribbean - france
1902. may 8th. Mnt Pelee destroid st.pierre
 martinique - caribbean - france
 I see my first Colibri in free nature
Grand Riviere (east side)
harbour not suited for Boanerges
christmas in the carebbean
goodbye dinner for Henk at aunt arlette
breakfast at st.pierre
a rainy day
this will bring luck to me, verdad!!
theatre before the volcanic eruption of 1902
 martinique - caribbean - france
only cyparis survived  in 1902 in  this prison cell.
opening the soda-can
 martinique - caribbean - france
goodbye henk. leaving holland a bit more
rainbows keep coming up!!
as usual, working on my website.
 martinique - caribbean - france
 martinique - caribbean - france
leaving for dominica
 Dominica - Caribbean
a mooring from seacat at 40m depth
 Dominica - Caribbean
cruise ships, shopping over the day, sailing at night.
the biggest building of roseau
i will get used to this type of buildings
roseau, capital and the cruise ship. not balanced
topping up batteries
 Dominica - Caribbean
 Dominica - Caribbean
rainforest at dominica
 Dominica - Caribbean
aerial roots, i will encounter many of them
Paradise and solitude
 Dominica - Caribbean
 Dominica - Caribbean
 Dominica - Caribbean
 Dominica - Caribbean
 Dominica - Caribbean
i will get used walking in rainforest
The Atlantic, where I came from
one of the last caribbean (indigenous) canoas
Cooking on wood in Caribbean kitchen
 Dominica - Caribbean
 Dominica - Caribbean
cassava bread
atlantic coast
caribbean dream colors
pineapple plantation
 Dominica - Caribbean
for the eu the banana plantations are to small
and lack the quality requested by the eu
 Dominica - Caribbean
banana tree flower
protection against insects
closed plantation, the jungle eats them
cold water for sporty ones
i forgot my hearing aids, quite a bad move
hurricane killed bus, Boabab tree lives on
 Dominica - Caribbean
whale watching, no whale, so fishing
 Dominica - Caribbean
catch, a big kingfish
 Dominica - Caribbean
dorade and kingfish
building up speed, up to the whales
 Dominica - Caribbean
whales, 5 min breating, 20 min diving
and 20 min gone
back to the harbour with 700hp
wind by speed
gone with the fish
wet walk to boiling lake. Eddy did not bring a raincoat
wooden pipe for the hydro generator
 Dominica - Caribbean
can we pass this one ?
with the help of a guide yes
limited vision today
 Dominica - Caribbean
at last: boiling lake
a true boiling lake with very limited vision
sulfuric fumes
 Dominica - Caribbean
growing on sulfur
 Dominica - Caribbean
 Dominica - Caribbean
leaving for isles des saintes
 Dominica - Caribbean
study fishing, once I should succeed !!
new buy, should work. No, does not for me
Isles Des Saintes (Bagad Kurakera)
Mairie francaise, liberte egalite fraternite
chartercat type Fontaine Pajot Taiti, very popular
 iles Des saintes - guadeloupe
family practice in a concrete ship-house
 iles Des saintes - guadeloupe
 iles Des saintes - guadeloupe
club med 2
club med 2. sailing???
malthese falcon. is this real?
 iles Des saintes - guadeloupe
dinghy of malthese falcon on tow, bad luck
no problem, w'll have a spare one
modern VOC ship, tacking takes 10 min.
 iles Des saintes - guadeloupe
installing the sea-me (radar transponder)
 iles Des saintes - guadeloupe
 point a pitre - guadeloupe
pointe a pitre, anchored behind the reef
 point a pitre - guadeloupe
victime of dean (aug 2007)
a victime still afloat
open market of herbs at point a pitre
 point a pitre - guadeloupe
ewoud leaves :( . I have to do it on my own now
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